1. Introduction
Clubfoot, or a distal interphalangeal (corono-pedal) flexural deformity, may affect the horse at any stage
of life from neonate through adulthood. The deformity may be congenital or acquired and in many
instances has a genetic basis.1-3 The etiology, clinical manifestations, management, and expectations
differ between age groups; however, commonalities
between the groups do exist. Treatment and longterm management vary depending on the age of
onset, underlying etiology, severity, duration, secondary complications, and client expectations. The
prognosis for long-term soundness is generally favorable with appropriate management but may be
adversely affected by the severity of the deformity and/or the presence of secondary complications.3
The origin of the term "clubfoot" is unclear because it bears little resemblance to the clubfoot
deformity in children referred to as congenital talipes equinovarus.4,5 Presumably, the term was coined
to describe the upright or straight tubular appearance of the foot, where there is little expansion of the
hoof capsule, giving a "club-like" appearance, but this is an overly simplistic definition. The clinical
presentation in the horse can range from a mildly
upright and a small foot to one that is buckled forward with an angle greater than 90° at the distal
interphalangeal joint, or may have advanced pedal osteitis and hoof wall deterioration. A clubfoot has
been classically defined as a hoof that meets the ground at an angle greater than 60°6 and can be
further classified into two types: stage 1 or type 1, in which the hoof axis is less than or equal to 90°,
and stage 2 or type 2, in which the hoof to ground angle is greater than 90°.7 A recently proposed
classification system designates four grades of clubfoot.2,8 A grade 1 clubfoot has a hoof axis 3° to 5°
greater than the contralateral foot and displays fullness at the coronary band but is mild enough that
the hoof-pastern axis is aligned. A grade 2 clubfoot is slightly more severe, with a hoof axis measuring
5° to 8° greater than the contralateral foot. In a grade 2 foot, the hoof-pastern axis is steep and
slightly broken-forward. Growth rings of the hoof are wider at the heel than at the toe, and after
trimming excess hoof wall from the heel, the heel may not touch the ground. A grade 3 clubfoot is a
more severe deformity, which has a broken-forward hoof-pastern axis and mild concavity present in the
dorsal hoof wall. The growth rings are twice as
wide at the heels as those at the toe, and, radiographically, there is demineralization and lipping
along the apex of the distal phalanx. A grade 4 clubfoot is the most severe classification and has a
hoof angle of greater than or equal to 80°, with a severely broken-forward hoof-pastern axis. A
grade 4 clubfoot has a markedly concave dorsal hoof wall, and the coronary band height at the heel is
equal to that at the toe. Radiographic changes include rounding of the distal
phalanx due to extensive demineralization, and rotation may be present.
Despite the degree of deformity or age category at presentation, the most widely accepted explanation
of the underlying mechanical cause is shortening of the musculotendinous unit of the deep digital flexor
tendon relative to the bony column. This shortening ultimately results in hyperflexation of the distal
interphalangeal joint.2,9-11 This hyperflexation is
due to an inability to fully extend the distal interphalangeal joint because of the rigid tension band
formed by the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon to the bony insertion on the distal
phalanx combined with the shortening of the musculotendinous unit of the deep digital flexor tendon.
Clinical observation suggests that the joint affected
in a flexural deformity is determined by the proximity of the joint to the point of insertion of the affected
musculotendinous unit. The joint immediately proximal to the tendinous insertion of the primarily
involved ligament is the point of least resistance and therefore exhibits deformation. Thus, when the
musculotendious unit of the deep digital flexor tendon is affected,
the joint affected is the distal interphalangeal, whereas if the superficial digital flexor
tendon musculotendinous unit is affected, the joint deformity occurs at the metacarpophalangeal joint
because the insertion of the superficial flexor tendon is on the distal first phalanx and the proximal second phalanx.
The initiating event behind this musculotendinous shortening is often undetermined and
may be related to lameness, nutrition, or genetic predisposition
Although the clinical presentation, causal factors,
complications, treatment, and long-term management of the clubfoot varies with the age of the horse
at presentation, some basic principles may be applied to management of all cases. Client communication and determination of client expectations is
critical to achieving a satisfactory outcome; the more
severe the deformity, the worse the prognosis. Deformities that have greater than a 90° hoof angle
and advanced pedal osteitis rarely become good sales prospects or sound athletes. Additionally, the
potential genetic association of clubfoot in some breeds should be discussed with owners before initiating treatment.
2. Neonatal Presentation
Congenital distal interphalangeal flexural deformity
is recognized shortly after birth and ranges in severity from mild to severely contracted and unable to
ambulate. Two distinct variations of clubfeet or distal interphalangeal flexural deformity occur in
neonates. The deformity may occur as an isolated unilateral deformity; however, the more common
form occurs along with, and is probably secondary to
bilateral flexural deformity of the carpi and/or metacarpophalangeal joints. The etiology for this deformity is generally undetermined, but factors
incriminated include genetics, intrauterine malposition, teratogens, influenza virus exposure, or sudan
grass ingestion.1,12
Evaluation of the neonate includes observation of
the stance of the foal and the ability of the foal to
ambulate. Foals that exhibit bilateral carpal flexural deformity with clubfeet require minimal to no
intervention if they have the ability to stand, ambulate, and nurse unassisted. Manual extension of
the lower limb almost always produces a normal
angle and alignment of the distal interphalangeal
joint. Management is conservative because as the
primary carpal or metacarpophalangeal deformity
resolves, so does the foot. A more severe flexural
deformity requires therapeutic intervention, and the
earlier in the clinical course, the faster the resolution of the deformity. Treatments include aggressive physical manipulation and stretching of the legs
in conjunction with a variety of forms of external
coaptation aimed at fatiguing the muscular section
of the musculotendinous unit. Bandaging, transient static splinting with PVC bracing or dynamic
splinting with an articulating brace, application of a
flexible tension band along the dorsal aspect of the
limb, and casting are accepted techniques when
properly applied and managed. Application of a
cast in a mildly extended position in the first hour
after birth will often improve the condition enough
to allow splinting or bandaging until the condition
fully resolves. Administration of oxytetracycline
(44 mg/kg IV, SID) will also facilitate improvement
of the deformity.13
The less common variation of clubfoot in neonates
occurs as an isolated unilateral deformity of the
distal interphalangeal joint and does not correct
with manual extension applied to the joint. The
deformity occurs in all degrees but is often severe
and difficult to manage. Contrary to common practice, toe extensions are not beneficial and typically
cause the foal to stumble. Although it is difficult to
apply useful external coaptation to this area, articulating extension braces attached to a foot cuff, application of a cast, or application of a flexible tension
band with surgical tubing will provide appropriate
mechanics to this area. Oxytetracycline is a beneficial
treatment; however, administration will typically result in excessive laxity of the normal regions
such as the carpi and fetlocks.
In extreme situations, surgical resection of the
accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon
or transection of the deep digital flexor tendon is
necessary. Although the author is unaware of any
recognized, specific guidelines for surgical intervention
in the neonate, with a primary unilateral clubfoot
in which the hoof angle is approaching or
exceeding 90°: if no improvement is seen with conservative
treatment within 2 weeks, surgery should
be considered.
Fig. 1. |
Grade 1 clubfoot. On the lateral view, note the mild
flexural deformity and the heels slightly off the ground. On the
dorsal view, note the lack of flare in the hoof capsule as it grows
distally and the disparity in width between the coronet and the
ground surface of the hoof that would indicate decreased loading. |
Fig. 2. |
Before and after appropriate trimming. Note the improvement
in the hoof-pastern axis and the bevel (arrow) created
in the solar surface of the hoof. |
3. Juvenile Presentation
The most frequently recognized form of clubfoot in
horses occurs in sucklings or weanlings at approximately
2 to 8 months of age.1-3,6-8 It is commonly
a unilateral condition but occasionally affects both
limbs. The first clinical sign recognized is an upright
appearance of the foot combined with the inability
of the heels to contact the ground
immediately after trimming the foot. As the condition
progresses, the coronary band develops a square
or full appearance dorsally. As the toe wears, the
upright nature of the foot becomes more evident and
the foot assumes a contracted shape, losing its flare
as it grows distally (Fig. 1). The dorsal hoof wall
begins to dish and widens at the white line. Concurrently,
the carpus often assumes a back-of-the knee
conformation. The toe may become bruised
and ultimately abscess, resulting in severe lameness.
Because of the abnormal forces on the distal
phalanx and inflammation associated with excessive
loading, bruising, and abscessation, pedal osteitis is
a common occurrence.
Differentiation should be made between a developing
clubfoot and a foot that is upright from excessive
wear at the toe. The latter is a self-limiting
problem as long as lameness is not severe or from
abscessation. If lameness is present, a protective
device over the toe will generally alleviate the problem
once the foot grows sufficiently. A foot of this
type responds well to most treatments, and undue
credit is often given to aggressive therapy that was
unnecessary in the first place.
Clinical management of clubfoot is influenced by
the severity, duration, and the etiology of the clubfoot
as well as the degree and source of lameness, if
present. Evaluation of the foot should be performed
at rest and in motion. The angle and balance
of the foot should be determined and the foot should be inspected for under-run or separated wall
or sole. Sensitivity to hoof testers or response to
firm pressure from fingers should be assessed.
If lameness is present, peripheral nerve blocks
should be performed to isolate and confirm the origin
of the lameness. Radiographs of the foot should
be taken to assess the position and the integrity of
the distal phalanx or presence of other pathology.
If there is evidence of pedal osteitis, especially in the
presence of a severe clubfoot, venographic evaluation
may aid in prognostication. If the clubfoot is
secondary to lameness of other origin, it is imperative
to isolate and resolve the other lameness prior
to attempting therapy for the clubfoot.
The shoe can be further modified to unload painful areas
of the sole or if the sole has dropped or prolapsed by
recessing the shoe's solar surface. Shoe modifications are
easily added or subtracted (i.e. rasping the toe of the
shoe to adjust breakover), with the foot in the farrier
position. The wooden shoe being malleable will often be
modified by normal wear which allows the horse to find
a comfort zone unique to its individual needs.
Treatment in the early stages of development of
clubfoot involves establishing a normal hoof angle
by lowering and spreading the heels as long as the
foal remains sound. One should adhere to the
guidelines for trimming and providing a sound, balanced
foot.14-16 The bars should be removed to
decrease as much restrictive mass of the hoof capsule
as possible, and the frog should be trimmed to
healthy, compliant tissue to enhance loading. The
wall through the quarters and heels should be lowered
to the plane of the frog and parallel the frog.
It has been suggested to apply a reverse wedge pad
under the toe to determine the amount of heel to
lower before reaching a level of discomfort of the
foal.2 If the toe is worn excessively, a protective
device applied to the toe to prevent bruising and
subsequent lameness may be applied. The toe may
be rounded, squared, or beveled to promote breakover
and alleviate any lever effect of the toe as well
as to reduce stress on the lamellae (Fig. 2). Toe
extensions applied to provide a lever arm using a
shoe or composite material are contraindicated because
they may exacerbate wall separation in addition
to delaying break-over. Extensions may also
contribute to lameness from excessive tension of the
deep digital flexor unit if the foal fully loads the foot.
Fig. 3. |
Lateral view of a grade 3 clubfoot. Note the flexural
deformity, the disparity of hoof wall growth between toe and heel,
and the concavity in the dorsal hoof wall. The palmar view
shows contracted heels and the frog recessed between the hoof
wall at the heels. |
In the event of lameness isolated to the foot, it
may be necessary to elevate the heels to establish
weight-bearing on the involved foot. Presumably
this is beneficial if the pain originates from tension
of the flexor apparatus. In the author's experience,
heel elevation is temporarily beneficial, but attempts
to resume a normal hoof angle should commence as soon as the foal is comfortable and bearing
full weight. The hoof angle may be reduced gradually
over a period of weeks; however, if pain recurs,
the foal should be considered for surgery. Other
forms of hoof appliances in common used to treat
this condition include slipper shoes and springloaded
spreader shoes. These devices appear to increase
the width of the distal portion of the foot;
however, this occurs by shearing and separation
of the laminae through the quarters, which ultimately
undermines the integrity of the hoof. Actual
spreading of the foot must begin from within
the foot at the coronary band by increasing load
through the bony column to the axial and load-bearing
surfaces of the foot, with the foot properly
trimmed. Application of flexible synthetic shoes, a
which are nonrestrictive and allow expansion of the
foot with compliant properties similar to the hoof
capsule, have promise in horses that have a foot
with deficient wall for sustaining load during regrowth.
Other methods of obtaining expansion of
the hoof include variations on resecting sections of
wall through dorsal wall thinning or removal to the
level of the lamina or placing multiple vertical
grooves the full length of the wall. Although there
is no body of evidence to substantiate the efficacy of
these techniques, there are anecdotal testimonies of
larger foot growth after these procedures have been
A severe clubfoot is usually complicated with contracture
of soft tissues surrounding the distal interphalangeal
joint, including the joint capsule and
presumably the collateral ligaments or other supportive
structures in the region. Therefore, there
are inherent limitations on the effectiveness of corrective
procedures. Alleviating tension of the deep
digital flexor tendon (DDFT) by transection of the
DDFT accessory ligament or transection of the
DDFT may not yield a normal angle of the hoof and
may not produce soundness, although it is unusual
not to obtain some degree of improvement with
Other alternative modalities of therapy to consider
include the use of oxytetracycline (44 mg/kg,
IV, SID)13 or other medications aimed at reducing
tension on the DDFT tension apparatus. Theoretically,
oxytetracycline produces chelation of calcium
ions with the net effect of relaxation of muscle
groups.17,18 Unfortunately, with clubfoot disorder
having a propensity to be accompanied by back-of the-
knee conformation, the drug typically worsens
the carpal conformation while having limited effects
on the foot. The author routinely administers
oxytetracycline in conjunction with performing surgery
to enhance relaxation of the muscle unit and
relax other involved soft tissues. Other antimicrobials,
such as enrofloxacin,b clinically produce a
similar effect of relaxation of the flexor tendons and
may have benefit similar to oxytetracycline. Botulinum
toxin is used in people and has been reported
for use in horses with laminitis to achieve relaxation
of the DDFT to prevent distal phalangeal rotation.19
With appropriate application, the drug may have
merit in the management of clubfoot in horses in the
Clubfoot may develop in the yearling or may be a
continuum of the process initiated earlier in life.
In general, the older the animal is at the onset, the
less likely of obtaining a normally conformed foot,
although this does not necessarily preclude a successful
athletic career. If the condition is acquired
as a yearling, it is almost always secondary to a
lameness or gait deficit resulting in inappropriate
loading of the foot, such as with a neurogenic disorder.
If the primary disorder is rapidly rectified, the
foot may return to normal if the gait is restored to
normal before the development of irreversible
changes in the foot. The mechanical principles involved
in therapy are the same as for the weanling,
and the primary objectives with any of the procedures
are to maintain comfort and to obtain a mechanically
sound foot. Changes in hoof shape
achieved in yearlings (and adults) are often less
than those obtained in younger horses.
4. Adult Presentation and Management
Adult clubfoot disorders may be present as the result
of previous clubfoot as a juvenile, may be secondary
to other lameness, or may result as a sequel
to chronic laminitis. The principles of management
of clubfoot in the adult are the same as in other
age groups; however, pathologic changes of the foot
are often more advanced because of the duration of
the deformity (Fig. 3). Expectations for a favorable
outcome are largely determined by the following
factors: the severity of the deformity, the duration
the deformity has been present, the integrity of both
the hoof capsule and third phalanx, and the intended
use of the horse (breeding versus athlete).
Many horses are able to compete athletically with a
clubfoot as long as they are maintained on a consistent
hoof management program.
Fig. 4. |
Clubfoot illustrated in Fig. 2 after appropriate farriery.
Note the concavity in the dorsal hoof wall reduced the
improvement in the hoof-pastern axis and the heel elevation
necessary to load the heels. |
Mild deformities are managed in large part
through routine farriery aimed at trimming for
optimal and uniform load-bearing of the entire hoof
wall. The hoof angle required to achieve this type
of load-bearing is usually steeper than normal but is
a necessary compromise to avoid lameness associated
with either hyperextension of the distal interphalangeal
joint and accompanying structures or
excessive stress on other soft tissue structures,
which often occur secondary to an attempt to establish
a normal hoof angle. Break-over may be enhanced
in these individuals by rolling or rockering
the toe. As in the management of all clubfeet, the
foot must not be allowed to grow to extremes and
undergo separation of the wall. The general guiding
principle is to trim the foot at an angle that
allows full loading of the heels or landing flat-footed
when ambulating. Mild heel elevation may be necessary
to accomplish fully loading the heels. The
heels should not be lowered to the point of allowing
toe contact before heel contact at the walk (Fig. 4).
If the hoof wall integrity is poor and the foot
undergoes recurrent bruising and abscessation, protection
of the wall and sole through shoeing or casting
may be necessary. Similar principles apply
regarding uniform loading of the wall and enhancing
break-over to reduce shear forces along the dorsal
laminae, as in milder cases of clubfoot.
Adult breeding horses with a clubfoot are subject
to excessive trauma at the toe and subsequently are
prone to develop subsolar abscessation and eventual
pedal osteitis. Extra measures in these horses may
be useful, such as shoeing to protect the toe. In
protracted, severe cases of clubfoot deformity with
advanced pedal osteitis, desmotomy of the accessory
ligament of the DDFT or DDF tenotomy may be
beneficial. Desmotomy of the accessory ligament of
the DDFT is usually reserved for less severe cases of
clubfoot deformity in which the individual is intended
for athletic endeavors. Clinical experience
has yielded favorable results from these procedures
in the form of improved integrity of the wall, expansion
of the hoof capsule, and an angle that is closer
to normal in addition to a reduction of hoof abscessation.
If the decision is made to perform a deep
digital flexor tenotomy, although improvement is
usually achieved whether the tenotomy is performed
mid-metacarpal or mid-pastern, clinical impression
is that the mid-pastern tenotomy produces more
relaxation of the tendon and therefore more derotation
of the distal phalanx.
5. Surgical Procedures
The underlying premise supporting surgery for
treatment of clubfoot is to relieve the rigid tension
band of the DDFT extending from the third metacarpus
via the accessory ligament of the DDFT to
insert on the distal phalanx. The two methods of
accomplishing this include transection of the accessory
ligament of the DDFT and transection of the
DDFT. Several techniques have been described to
accomplish each procedure.20-24
Transection of the accessory ligament of the
DDFT has been described, using conventional surgical
dissection from a lateral or medial approach,
using ultrasound guidance, using tenoscopic guidance,
and performing the surgery in lateral or dorsal
recumbency. Each technique has advantages and
disadvantages; the main disadvantage all techniques
attempt to avoid is the cosmetic blemish associated
with the surgery. I do not believe there is
a difference in cosmetic outcome with one technique
over another, provided the surgery is performed proficiently
and the patient is tractable for appropriate
bandaging and exercise for the first 3 months after
surgery. There is variation in the amount of exercise
allowable, depending on the condition of the
feet. With conventional surgical descriptions, a
medial approach is often described; in my experience,
this approach requires significantly more dissection
and there is a higher likelihood of a blemish
as a result. Personally, I find a blemish on the
medial aspect of the limb as offensive as on the
The most straightforward technique and commonly
performed technique is accomplished by using
conventional surgery in lateral recumbency
positioned for a lateral approach, with the affected
leg up. The skin may be rolled palmarly before
incising, so the final placement appears over the
fourth metacarpal bone. The skin incision begins 2
cm distal to the head of the fourth metacarpal bone
and extends distally 2 cm. Sharp dissection is continued
through the subcutaneous tissue, the fascia
of the flexor carpal sheath and paratenon, exposing
the junction of the accessory (inferior check) ligament
with the DDFT. A pair of curved hemostats
are passed along the dorsal border of the accessory
ligament and the DDFT and spread, then withdrawn.
Next, the hemostats are passed along the
palmar border of the ligament in a similar fashion.
Care must be taken to avoid the neurovascular bundle
along the medial aspect of the limb. Digital
palpation of the superficial digital flexor tendon
(SDFT) and DDFT is performed to confirm that the
proper structure has been isolated. The lower limb
may be slightly flexed to relax the ligament that is
isolated, exposed, and exteriorized with the hemostatic
forceps, and then transected. I generally remove
a 1-cm section of the ligament, although
removal of this section is not necessary, it requires
more tissue dissection, and the second transecting
cut can be difficult to accomplish neatly. The limb
should undergo extension and flexion, and the operator
should observe the movement of the structure
to ensure complete transection. Interestingly, with
severe clubfoot deformity, the ligament is often significantly
larger than normal. Closure should be
performed in three layers, being careful to leave a
0.5-cm opening in the distal portion of each layer to
allow for drainage, should a seroma occur. The
bandage should extend above the knee and be taped
to prevent slippage and exposure of the incision.
If there is no slipping of the bandage, the first bandage
should remain in place 4 to 5 days before
changing. The foot should be trimmed appropriately,
and, if a corrective device such as a toe cap is
needed, it should be applied. I routinely administer
2 to 3 days of oxytetracycline (44 mg/kg IV SID)13
in addition to a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
in the postoperative period to encourage loading the
Deep digital flexor tenotomy may be performed for
stage 2 deformities. As a general rule, even with
severe deformities, I attempt correction with a check
ligament desmotomy before this. Mid-metacarpal
or mid-pastern tenotomy is acceptable, but greater
release is achieved with a mid-pastern approach and
is my preferred technique in adults that have repeat
abscessation or septic osteitis of the distal phalanx.
Reports vary regarding the level of success after
surgical intervention. In general, soundness is
achieved, but racetrack performance is decreased
from that of unaffected siblings.20
6. Long-Term Management and Prognosis
Although clubfoot deformity in horses is common,
there is a sparse amount of evidence-based work
defining the syndrome and its management. Therapy
is often empirical and based on clinical experience.
The primary goal of therapy and
management of any clubfoot horse is to obtain a
sound horse with a normal or near-normal foot that
will be maintained with routine hoof care. One
important principle of clinical management is to
determine if discomfort or lameness is present, and
if so, to localize the source of the lameness and
determine the association of the lameness to the
clubfoot (primary or secondary). If the foot is improperly
loaded, a normal-contour hoof capsule will
not be possible to obtain and the underlying lameness
may be the limiting factor on the future athletic
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