Equine Foot
Wounds: General Principles of Healing and Treatment.
Andrew H. Parks, MA, Vet MB
1. Introduction
Most equine clinicians are
familiar with the healing and treatment of traumatic wounds to the
distal limb, proximal to the foot, because the general principles
of wound healing are well taught in veterinary schools. This
receives constant reinforcement as these wounds are a weekly if
not daily occurrence in general practice. Foot wounds, though
less frequently encountered, are not uncommon. Unfortunately,
they are often treated hesitantly by practitioners, presumably
because of misunderstanding or unfamiliarity, so that the
treatment is ineffective. This is probably because little time is
spent relating the principles of healing to the treatment of foot
wounds in already overcrowded college curricula, because the
morphologic differences between the integument of the foot and
skin is confusing, and because experience with management of such
wounds in practice is less common.
It is unfortunate that the gross
morphologic differences between the integument of the foot and the
skin belie the overwhelming similarities, both in structure and
response to injury. To overcome any misunderstanding based on the
morphological differences, the author finds it simplest to relate
the less familiar foot wounds to the well understood more proximal
limb wounds, to emphasize the similarities and then point out the
differences. To this end, it is pertinent to review the anatomy
and general classification of wounds before discussing wound
healing and treatment. Unfortunately, there is little or no
information from research on the way foot wounds heal, so that
practical treatment of foot wounds must be based on experience and
extrapolation from research on skin wounds.
2. Anatomy of the Integument
A. Skin
The skin is composed of three
layers, epithelium, dermis and tela subcutanea (subcutaneous
tissue). The epithelium is subdivided into 5 layers: stratum
basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum and
stratum corneum that reflect the progression from the germinal
cells at the base to the fully differentiated cornified cells
superficially. The epithelial layer is sharply demarcated from
the dermis between which is interposed the basement membrane.
Dermal projections of various lengths and widths, called papillae,
extend superficially into the epidermis. The epidermis that
interdigitates with the dermal papillae forms the epidermal pegs.
The deeper layers of the dermis blend with the subcutaneous
tissue, which in turn is loosely attached to the underlying
fascia. Epithelial elements, namely glands and hair follicles,
extend into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The general
architectural pattern of the skin described here is similar across
most of the body surface though the relative thickness of the
layers and density of the adnexal structures varies. The stratum
corneum of the skin is continually replaced by multiplication and
differentiation of cells from the deeper layers of the immediately
underlying epidermis to replace the stratum corneum as it
exfoliates superficially.
B. Integument of the foot1,2
Like the skin, the integument of
the foot is also composed of 3 layers: the epidermis, dermis and
subcutaneous tissue. Similarly the epithelium is subdivided into
layers, though over most of the surface of the foot, only three
layers are recognized: the stratum basale, stratum spinosum and
stratum corneum. The stratum basale and stratum spinosum are
frequently referred to together as the stratum germinativum. It
is the stratum corneum of the foot that forms the hoof capsule.
Within this common framework of
the integument, the structure of the integument of the foot is
highly specialized both because of its difference as a whole to
the skin and because of the differences between the regions within
the foot. Unlike the relative topographical uniformity of skin,
the structure of the integument of the foot is divided
topographically into several regions: periople, coronary band,
wall, sole, frog and heel bulbs. These divisions reflect the
differences in appearance, structure and function of the different
portions of the integument of the foot rather than the nature of
the underlying germinal epithelium and dermis. The integument of
the foot is divided into 5 types, perioplic, coronary, laminar,
solar and cuneate that are continuous with one another but the
boundaries are abrupt.
Just as the dermal papillae of the
skin interdigitate with the epidermal pegs, so the dermis and
epidermis of the integument of the foot interdigitate. However,
the interdigitation between the dermis and epidermis of the
integument of the foot is more regular and highly specialized.
The perioplic, coronary, solar and cuneate dermis all form long
thin filament-like papillae that project distally into
corresponding pockets in the epidermis. The germinal epithelium
on the sides of the dermal papillae forms the horn tubules. The
germinal epithelium that abuts the dermis between the base of the
dermal papillae forms the epidermal pegs that generate the
intertubular horn. The laminar dermis is folded into longitudinal
ridges, called the primary dermal laminae, that extend from the
junction of the laminar dermis with the coronary dermis proximally
to its junction with the solar dermis distally. The surface of
each dermal laminae is further folded into many secondary ridges,
called secondary laminae, on both sides and on the tips of the
primary dermal laminae. The infolding of the epidermis that
follows the contour of the dermis forms the primary and secondary
epidermal laminae. Only the primary epidermal laminae are
The subcutaneous tissue of the
integument of the foot is also highly specialized and forms the
modified periosteum of the distal phalanx and the perichondrium of
the collateral cartilage. The cuneate subcutaneous tissue forms
the digital cushion.
The stratum corneum of the
integument of the foot is replaced by the germinal layer as it is
in the skin. However, while the relationship between new stratum
corneum formation and the immediately underlying epidermis is
obvious for the sole and frog, this relationship is not
immediately perceived as being as straightforward for the wall
because the wall is derived from epithelium of three types: the
outer layer, the stratum externum, is the stratum corneum of the
perioplic epithelium; the middle layer, the stratum medium, is the
stratum corneum of the coronary epithelium; and the inner layer,
the stratum internum, is the stratum corneum of the laminar
epithelium. However, the plane of the perioplic and coronary
epithelium is almost perpendicular to the plane of the laminar
epithelium so that all 3 cannot proliferate and increase in
thickness perpendicular in the same manner as skin. The stratum
externum and stratum medium are replaced in a similar manner to
skin, i.e. the direction of growth or replacement is perpendicular
to the plane of the epithelial layer. In contrast, the laminar
epithelium undergoes limited proliferation which is concentrated
near its junction with the coronary epithelium.
3. Classification of Wounds
Open wounds have been classified
in various ways including etiological appearance, depth and degree
of contamination.
For the purpose of comparing skin wounds to foot wounds with a
later view to comparison of the mechanisms of wound healing is
beneficial to discuss both the depth and etiological appearance of
wounds in the skin, followed by comparison with the foot.
A. Wounds involving the skin
Wounds that cause defects
characterized by tissue loss may be classified as partial or full
thickness wounds. Partial thickness wounds of the skin involve
loss of the epidermis and partial loss of the dermis, but
truncated adnexal epidermal elements are still present in the
dermis. Full thickness wounds extend through the epidermis and
dermis to the subcutaneous tissue and may involve any other
underlying structures.
By etiology, wounds are subdivided
into abrasions, incisions, lacerations, avulsions and punctures.
Abrasions involve loss of the epidermis and portions of the
dermis. The deeper portions of epidermal adnexal structures
persist across the surface of wound in the dermis and in the
subcutaneous tissues. Incised wounds in the skin, typified by a
scalpel incision, have smooth margins that gape, sever all soft
tissues in the wound, and extend to varying depths.
Lacerations are caused by the
tearing of the skin and underlying soft tissues so that they have
irregular margins and are often accompanied by surrounding soft
tissue trauma. Avulsions are similar to lacerations except that
more superficial tissues are torn from their attachments to the
deeper structures and the blood supply is more likely to be
compromised than a straightforward laceration.
Puncture wounds are characterized
by a small entry wound that gives no indication to the depth or
direction of the underlying trauma and are highly likely to be
B. Wound involving the foot
The thickness and the
biomechanical properties of the stratum corneum of the foot affect
the pattern of injury seen in the equine foot. The thick stratum
corneum deflects many minor blows that might injure the skin, and
any small defects that occur in the outer layers of the stratum
corneum are of no clinical significance. The biomechanical
properties of the tubular and intertubular horn of the wall are
such that cracks in the stratum corneum caused by more serious
injury are deflected outwards to the exterior surface of the foot
away from the sensitive dermis. It is also the structural nature
of the stratum corneum of the foot wall that causes it to fracture
along predetermined planes rather than tear irregularly.
Stump asserts that when the horny
layer of the epidermis is separated from the foot, either by
maceration, accident or surgery, the separation occurs between the
stratum corneum and stratum germinativum;2 a
clinical example would be the defect caused by hoof wall ablation
with a cast cutter. This would not classify as a partial
thickness wound because the germinal layers of the epithelium
would not be breached. In fact, because the integument of the
foot does not have adnexal epidermal structures that project into
the dermis and subcutaneous tissue except for the merocrine glands
present in the frog, a direct corollary of the classical partial
thickness skin wound does not exist in the foot. However, in an
injury that removes most of the epidermis, but leaves islands of
the stratum germinativum of the epidermal pegs or secondary
laminae attached to the dermis might be expected to heal in a
similar manner to partial thickness skin wounds. In contrast to
Stump's assertion, it is the author's experience that most
surgically created defects, except for the drainage of foot
abscesses, and many naturally occurring foot wounds are full
thickness injuries.
Abrasions to the coronary band are
the most likely injury to resemble partial thickness wounds occur
because the integument is thinnest at the coronary band. Where
the integument is thicker, in the author's experience, any injury
of sufficient force to damage the full thickness of the wall
frequently creates a full thickness wound.
Incised wounds to the integument
of the foot are very uncommon, but when they occur the rigidity of
the stratum corneum of the foot prevents the margins from gaping.
An example of such a wound would occur if a horse kicked against
an edge of sheet metal.
Lacerations of the integument of
the foot are less common than they are in skin because the rigid
nature of the stratum corneum causes the hoof to fracture rather
than tear, which usually causes the tissues to avulse from the
underlying structures. Lacerations to the pastern, however, are
quite common, most commonly involve the heels, and may extend
distally through the coronary band.
Avulsions of the hoof wall are not
uncommon and usually involve the wall at the quarters or heels.
They may extend proximally to involve the coronary band and / or
distally to involve the sole. Avulsions may be complete or
incomplete. In complete avulsions, the affected wall and attached
structures are completely separated from the foot. Incomplete
hoof wall avulsions remain attached to the foot along at least one
or more margin, usually proximally.
Puncture wounds are common
injuries to the ground surface of the foot and occasionally occur
at the coronary band, but are rare in the wall. They may only be
apparent as a small dark spot on the horn of the sole, and if they
occur in the frog, the softer horn may close over the original
4. Wound Healing
A. General principles as applied
to skin wounds
The healing of full thickness
wounds is classically divided into 4 phases: Inflammation,
debridement, repair and maturation.5
In the inflammatory phase an initial vasocontriction to minimize
hemorrhage is followed by vasodilation and white cells migrate and
plasma proteins leak into the wound. The protein together with
the red and white cells from the wound forms a clot which later
contracts to form a scab that protects the surface of the wound.
In the debridement phase bacteria, blood clots, and necrotic and
foreign material are removed from the wound through phagocytosis
by white cells, sloughing or surgical debridement.
The repair phase is itself a
combination of three processes, contraction, fibroplasia and
epithelialization. Wound contraction occurs through the action of
myofibroblasts which actively develop tension in the periphery of
the wound that causes centripetal movement of the wound margins
over the granulation tissue surface. Fibroplasia occurs at the
surface of almost all healthy debrided wound surfaces deep to the
epithelium. Fibroblasts, differentiated from mesenchymal cells,
proliferate at the surface of the wound and migrate along the
fibrin lattice in the wound. This is rapidly followed by the
development of new capillaries by endothelial budding. Together
the fibroblasts and capillaries form granulation tissue. Although
granulation tissue forms on the surface of almost any healthy
tissue in the wound, it proceeds more rapidly from highly vascular
tissues such as the subcutaneous tissue and more slowly from less
vascular tissues such as tendon or bone. Collagen secretion by
the fibroblasts during this phase of wound healing causes the
rapid gain in wound strength. Epithelialization occurs by
proliferation of epithelial cells at the periphery of the wound
which then migrate across the surface of the granulation tissue.
As the margin of the newly formed epithelial surface encroaches on
the center of the wound, the epithelial cells towards the
periphery of the wound proliferate so that the epithelium
increases in thickness.
In the maturation phase the
vascularity and cellularity of the wound decreases as wound
continues to gain in strength, though at a slower pace, as the
collagen reorganizes and forms crosslinks.
The healing of partial thickness
skin wounds follows a somewhat different pattern to full thickness
Because full thickness of the dermis has not been lost and severed
epithelial adnexal structures persist in the dermis, the
epithelium proliferation occurs at the margin of the wound and at
the margins of the truncated epithelial structures. Because
dermal tissue persists across the surface of the wound, the
proliferating epithelium is able to migrate across the surface of
the dermis without granulation tissue forming in the wound and it
is not until the wound is completely epithelialized that a
fibroblastic reaction occurs in the dermis. Wound contracture is
limited compared to full thickness wounds.
B. General principles as applied
to foot wounds
Foot wounds follow the same four
basic processes. The differences that are apparent primarily
relate to the rigid nature of the stratum corneum and the variety
of epithelial types found in the foot and the pattern of
replacement of the stratum corneum . In the inflammatory phase,
wounds below the coronary band are contained within the rigid
stratum corneum of the foot so the tissues within the hoof are
unable to swell. In the debridement phase, the rigid nature of
the hoof may impede drainage of exudate and the sloughing of
necrotic or foreign material from wounds.
In the repair phase, contraction
does not occur.7
The most apparent difference between healing of skin and foot
involves epithelialization. Epithelium migrates across the
surface of a wound in the foot just as it does in the skin.
However, the epithelial margin of a skin wound is usually
relatively homogenous whereas the epithelium at the margins of a
foot wound may be of one or more types. The simplest example
would be a defect confined to a single epithelial type, either the
sole or frog. The epithelial margins wound then be of
a uniform type so that epithelial coverage of the wound would be
very similar to a full thickness skin wound except for the greater
thickness of stratum corneum to be replaced.




Figure 1. A schematic
representation of a full thickness wound to the sole that
extends to the distal phalanx. a) Orientation to the location
of the wound. b) The initial defect devoid of clot and
exudate. c) Initial fibroplasia and epithelialization from
the wound margins. d) Fibroplasia from both the margins of
the wound and the distal phalanx fill the defect. The
epithelium has migrated further across fibroplastic tissue in
the defect; at the periphery of the wound, the epithelium has
increased in thickness and the superficial layers
keratinized. e) Epithelial migration is complete. f) Full
thickness of the epithelial defect is re-established by
epithelial proliferation.


(d) |
A full thickness wound to the wall
that does not involve either the sole or the coronary band forms a
defect in all three layers of the wall but only involves the
germinal layer of the laminar epithelium
. Therefore,
the defect will be epithelialized by laminar epithelium. However,
because the laminar epithelium is only capable of limited
proliferation, the defect in the stratum internum is closed, but
the defects in the stratum externum and stratum medium persist
moving distally with normal hoof wall growth until the wall
proximal to the defect has reached the weight-bearing surface of
the hoof.
Figure 2. a) A schematic representation of a wound that extends
deep to the epidermis and dermis of the wall into the modified
subcutaneous tissue. b) Fibroplasia occurs simultaneously from
the margins and depth of the wound. Epithelial cells from the
adjacent laminar epithelium at the margin of the injury migrate
over the fibroplastic tissue to replace the stratum internum.
Concurrently, the stratum medium, derived from the coronary
epithelium, continues to migrate distally in the normal pattern of
hoof wall growth. c) Once the laminar epithelium has fully
replaced the stratum internum, the defect in stratum medium
migrates distally until it is completey replaced when the stratum
medium that was originally proximal to the injury reaches the
solar margin of the hoof.



(b) |
If the margins of a wound are
composed of more that one source of epithelium, it appears that
the nature of the newly formed stratum corneum reflects the source
of epithelium that migrated to fill the defect. Nowhere is this
more apparent than wounds that involve the skin of the pastern and
the coronary band
; it is not uncommon for epithelium to
migrate proximally to the previous margin of the coronary band to
for a spur of horn in the distal pastern. Likewise if a defect in
the coronary band is not filled with coronary epithelium, a
persistent defect in the hoof wall may develop.
5. Treatment of Wounds
A. General treatment of skin
Many factors, both local and
systemic, influence the way wounds heal.5
The systemic influences on wound healing are beyond the scope of
this discussion. It is the clinician's task to manipulate the
local factors affecting wound healing to achieve the fastest wound
closure compatible with the best possible functional outcome. To
this end, wound debridement, closure, bandaging, and medical
treatment must all be considered.
Figure 3. a) A schematic representation of a complete hoof wall
avulsion at the heel. The injury involves the integument of the
pastern, coronary band, wall and sole. b) Fibroplasia proceeds as
previously described and epithelialization occurs from the
periphery of the wound. c) The final appearance and structure of
the healed injury appears to reflect the nature of the epithelium
that migrated to close each part of the defect.



(b) |
The objective of wound debridement
is to remove as much necrotic tissue, foreign material, and
infection as possible. This is usually accomplished by wound
lavage and surgical excision. If tissue viability is questionable
and it can be excised without endangering other nearby structures
it should be removed, but if tissue of questionable viability is
adjacent to a vital structure, such as a joint capsule, it is
better left and observed and may be debrided at a later date.
If wound contamination and tissue
injury do not preclude it, wound closure almost always provides
the most rapid and functional result. The wound closure may be
primary or delayed primary.
Bandaging serves many functions
including wound protection from trauma and desiccation, applying
pressure to the wound surface, wicking away exudate, and
maintaining dressings and topical medication in place. Typically,
distal limb bandages are composed of 3 layers, a surface dressing,
a layer of sheet or roll cotton to distribute pressure and absorb
moisture, and an elastic layer to maintain the bandage in place
and apply pressure. Surface dressings influence, debridement,
contraction, fibroplasia and epithelialization of wounds healing
by secondary intention. Adherent dressings are frequently used to
lift necrotic debris off from a wound surface. Once a wound is
debrided, contraction proceeds faster under a petrolatum
impregnated gauze, but once wound contraction is complete
epithelialization proceeds more rapidly under a Telfa pad.
Topical antibiotics and
antiseptics are available as solutions, ointments and creams.
Ointments and creams are easier to apply and maintain on a wound
surface, but gentamicin solution has been proven to be superior to
a gentamicin cream. The author favors solutions because they
dilute exudate and help to maintain a physiological environment at
the wound surface. Topical antiseptics are very effective in low
concentrations, for example, 0.1 - 1% povidone iodine or 0.05%
chlorhexidine but are deleterious at higher concentrations. In
general, astringents and caustics are deleterious to fibroplasia
and epithelialization and their use should be avoided. Systemic
antibiotics are seldom warranted in the treatment of wounds that
are confined to the integument.
B. Treatment of foot wounds
Foot wounds warrant special
consideration because the foot is in constant contact with the
ground and because of the structure of the stratum corneum of the
integument of the foot. In addition, there are several
traditional practices that are applied to foot wounds that most
practitioners would not consider doing to other wounds. The
debridement of foot wounds closely follows the general principles,
but caution must be taken when debriding deeper wounds because of
the close proximity of many vital structures. The practice of
soaking horse's feet in buckets of water with or without
antiseptics to lavage a wound is questionable under any
circumstance, but soaking feet with wounds to deeper structures
such as the navicular bursa cannot be recommended.
Wound closure is seldom possible
or necessary so that most are left to heal by secondary
intention. The exception is injuries to the coronary band which
should be reconstructed wherever possible to retain the greatest
functional capabilities of the digit. The coronary band can be
readily sutured proximally where it is thin, but the hoof wall may
need to be shaved more distally to allow the placement of
sutures. The closure may be primary or delayed primary. Any
avulsed wall distal to the coronary band will not reattach to the
foot so it may be removed unless it is required to maintain the
normal orientation of the coronary band.
Bandaging horse's feet follows
similar principles to the rest of the distal limb except that the
middle layer is frequently omitted. Any topical medication that
serves to treat other distal limb wounds may be applied with
similar considerations. The use of full strength povidone iodine
or topical astringents is usually deleterious and should only be
used with considerable caution, especially when the integument has
been breached. The author's preference is a dry to dry, or wet to
dry dressing with a Telfa pad. Wet to dry dressings are readily
applied by first applying the Telfa pad, cotton gauze backing and
roll gauze dry before moistening the dressing, which is then
achieved either by pouring or spraying the solution on top of the
dressing. Because moisture from stall bedding readily seeps into
any foot bandage, the application of piece of rubber inner tube or
treatment plate is advantageous; taping on the first wedge and
cuff of a Redden Modified Ultimate works very well. Once a wound
has completely epithelialized, topical astringents such as 2%
iodine may be applied with caution to toughen up the newly formed
stratum corneum. Bandages do not always provide satisfactory
stability to the foot capsule for wounds involving the coronary
band so that casting with a digital cast is employed to decrease
the likelihood of persistent hoof wall defects.7,8
The use of antibiotics at all in
foot wounds has been questioned.9
However, most clinicians would recommend systemic antibiotics if
the wound breaches the integument until the entire surface of the
wound is covered by granulation tissue, and most would consider
systemic antibiotics imperative if a joint, tendon sheath or bursa
is involved.
6. Complications
A. Distal limb wounds proximal to
the foot.
The most likely complications to
occur are a delay or cessation of closure in wounds healing by
secondary intention, breakdown of sutured wounds, and a loss of
function due to fibrosis in the wound. Wounds left to heal by
secondary intention on the distal limb of horses heal notoriously
slowly. This is in part due to innate features of wound healing
in the distal limb of the horse. Wound contraction in the distal
limb is limited compared to wounds of the trunk because of the
tension in the skin. Also, exuberant granulation tissue is common
and it prevents wounds from epithelializing satisfactorily. In
addition, the presence of infection, necrotic debris or foreign
material will impede wound healing. Inadequate protection of the
wound will desiccate the wound surface and may allow further wound
trauma to occur.
B. Foot wounds
Most of the complications seen in
the healing of foot wounds are the same that occur in skin
wounds. Many full thickness foot wounds also heal slowly. While
wound contraction is absent in foot wounds, exuberant granulation
tissue is seldom a problem. Being in constant contact with the
ground the foot is inherently predisposed to further injury.
Occasionally wound closure appears to be arrested for no apparent
reason; these wounds usually respond to light surface debridement
and bandaging with a wet to dry dressing.
After the wound has completely
healed, the foot may not function normally if the hoof is unable
to evenly support the distal phalanx or if injury to the deeper
structures has interfered with attachment of a structurally sound
hoof to the distal phalanx. Therapeutic trimming and shoeing with
bars, clips or extensions may be needed to minimize any functional
7. Conclusion
By combining knowledge about the
anatomy and function of a horse's foot with knowledge about the
principles of healing in skin wounds, sound decisions can be made
about the treatment of foot wounds when specific information is
not available that result in satisfactory clinical outcomes.
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